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Jura Parts. 

because life is just better with your Jura.

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parts & accessories

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troubleshooting resources

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service & repair

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JP. DIY Center

You love your Jura. It's like a family member. But if your baby is throwing a tantrum, we have some great resources for you so that all can be well in the world again.



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JP. Store

You love your Jura... But you could love your Jura MORE. Accessories are like the delicious froth on an already delicious cup of coffee... and, as it happens, we sell frothers.

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Browse our Catalog

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Cleaning Products

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Drinkwear and Accessories

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Jura Repair 

Maintenance & Repair Services for Any Model

Your Jura coffee machine was built to last; however, it will need a tune-up from time-to-time. Even a Porsche has a limited number of miles before it needs a turn up. The brew group, which is the "engine" of the coffee machine, needs to be refurbished every 1-2 years, depending upon usage, to keep your Jura coffee machine operating at its peak capacity, and to avoid any larger issues. 

Coffee and Book

Jura Questions?

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Jura Appraisal

Selling a Jura? Let us Help. 

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