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Jura Error Codes

Diagnose and Fix Jura Malfunctions that are showing an Error Code Below

This section provides you with detailed explanations of Jura error messages and is accompanied by replacement part suggestions, based upon the error code your Jura coffee machine is displaying. The error messages do not refer to a specific part that is faulty, but rather identifies the process that could not be completed. This requires examining multiple parts involved in the process before determining the exact cause for the malfunction. For example, an error 8 occurs because the coffee machine failed to complete the brew cycle command sent from the PCB, which indicates the brew group was unable to initialize to compact the ground coffee in the chamber, or return to the home position after brewing. This does not guarantee the brew group is to blame, but it provides a starting point to deduce "why the brew group failed to complete the brew cycle." The gear motor and encoder are intricate parts of the brew cycle, responsible for initializing the brew group, so these parts should be inspected/tested while diagnosing the cause of the malfunction. We strongly recommend you open your machine before ordering. Just because a part is listed under an error code category does not ensure it will fix the error code.
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Error Code List:

Jura Error 1

Jura Error 2

Jura Error 3

Jura Error 4

Jura Error 5

Jura Error 7

Jura Error 8

Jura Filll System

Jura GIGA Error 9

Jura Error 6

Jura Fill Beans

Jura GIGA Error 10

Jura GIGA Error 11

Jura GIGA Error 12

Jura GIGA Error 14

Jura GIGA Error 15

Jura GIGA Error 17

Jura GIGA Error 19

Jura GIGA Error 13

Jura GIGA Error 16

Jura GIGA Error 22

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Repair Services

Want us to baby your baby?

Your Jura coffee machine was built to last; however, it will need a tune-up from time-to-time. Even a Porsche has a limited number of miles it can drive before the oil needs to be changed. We offer a comprehensive repair/refurbishing service to get your coffee machine operating at its peak capacity, again.


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